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“去社会化”社交网络大受欢迎 Fcebook、Google须做战略调整

Lacy翻译,Lacy发布英文 ; 2012-04-20 16:54 阅读次 
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• Google+ vs. Facebook vs. Twitter. Google (GOOG) finally got social networking right in 2011 when it gave up on Buzz and launched G+, a cleaner version of Facebook with strong privacy features. Google+’s “Circles” allow you to sort friends into groups, and then share different things with different circles of friends. Facebook rapidly copied the idea by making it easier to post updates to select groups of friends. And while Twitter is open to all, one of its popular features is “lists” that allow you to view updates of only handfuls of online contacts.

• Springpad. This innovative note-taking application allows users to save items they like, via Web or mobile, and appends useful information such as price comparisons or movie times. While you can share items with anyone, the default settings are private, and the app’s slogan is “share and discover with the people you trust.”

• Instagram. Yes, this is an open network that allows liking and commenting on photos. But Instagram is primarily a photo broadcasting tool, and its rapid growth to 40 million users is driven by how easy it is to make your mobile snaps look professional.

• Pair. In perhaps the ultimate narrow social network, Pair builds bonds between only two users. It acts as instant messaging on steroids, allowing photo and video sharing, joint sketching, and a recorded timeline of activity between a couple.

This growing interest in smaller, ego-boosting, privacy-controllable networks was inevitable, as social media reached mass scale. Two-thirds of Americans now use social platforms, according to Pew, and the majority say “staying in touch with current friends and family” is the main reason why. Only 9 percent of respondents told Pew, when asked, that “making new friends” was a motivation.

For marketers, of course, this is a challenge. Word-of-mouth messaging spreads more slowly if audiences are closing off digital circles. For this reason, only Facebook has succeeded among social networks in generating significant advertising revenue—$3.1 billion in 2011—because it has resorted to old-school ad formats. Facebook makes money on cost-per-click ads regardless of whether its users share the content with each other. Twitter, which has tried to embed marketing messages more organically in user streams, had only $139.5 million in ad sales last year, according to EMarketer—a paltry 72 cents per user annually.

The truth is, Dunbar was right: We humans need privacy and intimacy, and we have limits on how many people we want to share with. Marketers can certainly shoot for sporadic viral success, or the click here and there of Like buttons inside Facebook. But for sustained communications in a world of smaller social circles, they may have to try something more aggressive—say, paid advertising.

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关键字: Facebook 谷歌 社交网络 Instagram Twitter