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Christina翻译,Christina发布英文 ; 2012-04-17 17:29 阅读次 
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星巴克这个品牌很清楚中国人舍得把钱花在高档产品上,因此也相应的调整了星巴克在中国的价格以及市场策略。星巴克的CFO Troy Alstesd称,星巴克在中国的分店利润比在美国要高出很多。在亚洲,星巴克2011年的营业毛利润大概有34.6%,而在美国只有21.8%。


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星巴克这个品牌很清楚中国人舍得把钱花在高档产品上,因此也相应的调整了星巴克在中国的价格以及市场策略。星巴克的CFO Troy Alstesd称,星巴克在中国的分店利润比在美国要高出很多。在亚洲,星巴克2011年的营业毛利润大概有34.6%,而在美国只有21.8%。


Consider the Gap, which sells jeans for between $50 and $200. Time after time, female consumers told us they would prefer to buy jeans from brands like Japanese retailer Uniqlo (9983:JP) at a fraction of the cost or save up to buy premium and luxury brands such as Armani jeans. One 27-year-old Shanghai woman making $300 a month told me she skipped lunch for five months to save enough to buy an Armani jean jacket. For her, the status associated with Armani proffered better value than multiple pieces from Gap.

Starbucks is one brand that understands that the Chinese will spend a lot for premium products and has adjusted its pricing and marketing strategy accordingly. The coffee retailer’s outlets are more profitable in China than in the U.S., according to Troy Alstead, its chief financial officer. In Asia, the company’s operating margins were 34.6 percent in 2011, vs. 21.8 percent in the United States.

At some point—perhaps 10 years from now, as it becomes impossible for China to sustain fast-paced growth—China’s middle class will truly be middle class in aspirations and economic potential. Brands will be able to emphasize a middling heritage. Until then, however, China’s buyers offer far greater similarities to Indian and Russian consumers, who spend on luxury for some products but are price sensitive on others.

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关键字: 星巴克 阿玛尼 Gap