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又一位女高管即将离开华尔街 摩根大通首席投资负责人Ina Drew离职

Christina翻译,Christina发布英文 ; 2012-05-16 17:19 阅读次 
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又一位女高管即将离开华尔街Ina Drew将加入华尔街知名离职女性的行列中。摩根大通在今天表示,摩根大通银行首席投资办公室负责人Ina Drew,以20亿美元的交易损失结束了她的职业生涯。彭博通讯社根据摩根大通的5位前高管透露的消息称,摩根大通的老板Jamie Dimon 曾经敦促Ina Drew领导的现金投资办公室为了增加利润而冒险下注。Drew在摩根大通任职30年,离职前成为摩根大通执行委员会中最有权势的两位女性之一。

即使在经济危机之前,华尔街上女性高管的排名都是很低的,Drew的离职,将会引发许多女高管们辞职。在去年的六月份,Dimon的另一个副手Heidi Miller,之前负责摩根大通国际事务,也表示计划将要离开摩根大通。去年秋天,Sallie Krawcheck,美国银行资产管理部负责人,由于美国银行的管理重组计划,也离开了美国银行。她获得了600万美元的解雇补偿金,并且淡出了公众的视线,直到今年春季,她再次活跃在Twitter上。

金融危机也导致了其他许多高层人物的离职。2008年6月,雷曼公司破产前,股东们质问公司的财务状况时,雷曼的CFO Erin Callan被迫离职。摩根士丹利联合主管之一Zoe Cruz也在2007年被解雇。



又一位女高管即将离开华尔街Ina Drew将加入华尔街知名离职女性的行列中。摩根大通在今天表示,摩根大通银行首席投资办公室负责人Ina Drew,以20亿美元的交易损失结束了她的职业生涯。彭博通讯社根据摩根大通的5位前高管透露的消息称,摩根大通的老板Jamie Dimon 曾经敦促Ina Drew领导的现金投资办公室为了增加利润而冒险下注。Drew在摩根大通任职30年,离职前成为摩根大通执行委员会中最有权势的两位女性之一。

即使在经济危机之前,华尔街上女性高管的排名都是很低的,Drew的离职,将会引发许多女高管们辞职。在去年的六月份,Dimon的另一个副手Heidi Miller,之前负责摩根大通国际事务,也表示计划将要离开摩根大通。去年秋天,Sallie Krawcheck,美国银行资产管理部负责人,由于美国银行的管理重组计划,也离开了美国银行。她获得了600万美元的解雇补偿金,并且淡出了公众的视线,直到今年春季,她再次活跃在Twitter上。

金融危机也导致了其他许多高层人物的离职。2008年6月,雷曼公司破产前,股东们质问公司的财务状况时,雷曼的CFO Erin Callan被迫离职。摩根士丹利联合主管之一Zoe Cruz也在2007年被解雇。



Add Ina Drew to the list of prominent Wall Street women who have left their jobs. JPMorgan Chase said today that Ina Drew, head of the bank’s chief investment office, is retiring, following the disclosure of a $2 billion trading loss. The bank’s chief executive, Jamie Dimon, had urged her unit, which invests the bank’s cash, to make riskier bets to boost profits, Bloomberg News reported, citing five former executives. Drew had a 30-year career at the bank and rose to be one of two women who were part of the bank’s powerful operating committee.

The ranks of female execs on Wall Street were thin even before the financial crisis, and Drew’s exit follows a string of female executive departures. In June of last year, another Dimon lieutenant, Heidi Miller, the former head of JPMorgan Chase’s international operations, announced plans to leave the bank. Last fall, Sallie Krawcheck, who ran Bank of America’s wealth management division, left the bank as part of a management reorganization. She got a $6 million severance package and stayed out of the public eye for months until reemerging this spring as a frequent tweeter.

The financial crisis precipitated other high-profile departures. In June 2008 Lehman Brother’s chief financial officer, Erin Callan, lost her job as investors questioned the firm’s finances before it collapsed. Zoe Cruz, a former co-head of Morgan Stanley, was ousted in 2007.

while women have senior roles in about 15 percent of corporations, the number falls well below 10 percent on Wall Street.Women are more than half of the workforce in the financial sector but are chief executives at fewer than 3 percent of U.S. financial companies, according to Catalyst.

Beyond advancement, pay for women in the finance sector is not on a par with men’s either. Census data show that financial jobs have a bigger earnings gap than other fields. In some jobs, such as financial managers, women make from 55¢ to 62¢ for every $1 a man earns. There’s no word yet on Drew’s severance.

关键字: 华尔街 摩根士丹利 摩根士丹利