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Christina翻译,Christina发布英文 ; 2012-05-09 17:19 阅读次 
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根据研究机构ABI Reseatch针对980名智能手机使用者所做的研究表明,美国46%的智能手机用户都下载了某个品牌的APP,他们表示,这些软件让他们能够经常访问公司的网站。在受访者中有40%的人表示,因为app他们更喜欢购买品牌产品和服务。

同时,巴克莱斯最新研究表示,平板电脑是“未来三年内许多大的经销商都准备给自己的销售团队配备的主要移动设备”,分析师Darrin Peller写道。备忘录中还提到,截止到2015年,北美每年将会有至少270万台平板电脑用于零售和餐饮等服务行业。



根据研究机构ABI Reseatch针对980名智能手机使用者所做的研究表明,美国46%的智能手机用户都下载了某个品牌的APP,他们表示,这些软件让他们能够经常访问公司的网站。在受访者中有40%的人表示,因为app他们更喜欢购买品牌产品和服务。

同时,巴克莱斯最新研究表示,平板电脑是“未来三年内许多大的经销商都准备给自己的销售团队配备的主要移动设备”,分析师Darrin Peller写道。备忘录中还提到,截止到2015年,北美每年将会有至少270万台平板电脑用于零售和餐饮等服务行业。


Whether you’re a shopper or salesperson (or both), mobile will become a bigger factor in your retail experience, according to two reports out today.

Some 46 percent of U.S. smartphone users who have downloaded a retailer-branded app said the software gets them to visit the company’s stores more often, according to ABI Research’s study, which surveyed 980 smartphone owners in December. More than 40 percent of them also said they bought more of the brand’s products and services because of the app.

Meanwhile, Barclays Equity Research said the latest studies suggest that tablets are the “primary mobile device with which large retailers intend to equip sales associates over the next three years,” analyst Darrin Peller wrote. By 2015, more than 2.7 million tablets will be shipped in North America annually for use in retail and hospitality industries, the note said.

Tablets are already starting to arrive in many stores. About 65 percent of large retailers plan to use tablets in stores in 2012, up from 6 percent at the beginning of the year, according to the note.
