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Laurence翻译,Laurence发布英文 ; 2012-04-17 16:36 阅读次 
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Grant Gracia Martore(格雷西亚•马托利),Gannett(甘尼特,美国最大的报业连锁集团)新任CEO,是财富500强公司的17位女性CEO之一。Grant Gracia Martore(格雷西亚•马托利),Gannett(甘尼特,美国最大的报业连锁集团)新任CEO,财富500强公司的17位女性CEO之一,她亲口说:“我是一个异类”。另外一位是Ginni Rometty(吉尼•罗曼提),她在2011年成为IBM的掌门人,而这之前她已经在IBM工作了30年。与Ginni Rometty一样,60岁的Martore的职业生涯基本上都奉献给了一家公司。她1985年就加入了甘尼特,加入时只是一名财务助理,在这里,她发挥着自己的聪明才智,在经济和名望上也收获颇丰。

因此,当知道她是一个保守派时,不免让人吃惊;尤其是当这一点成为她的成功秘诀时,更为震惊了。当Sheryl Sandberg(雪莉•桑德伯格,Facebook首席运营官)和她的拥护者们鼓励女性也“坐在会议桌旁”,参与“举手表决”时,Martore,这个职场女性的异类,直言不讳地建议女性还是保持淑女风范,通过埋头苦干一步步晋升。以下是Martore和我们一起分享她成为女性职场领袖的8个成功秘诀:



















Grant Gracia Martore(格雷西亚•马托利),Gannett(甘尼特,美国最大的报业连锁集团)新任CEO,是财富500强公司的17位女性CEO之一。Grant Gracia Martore(格雷西亚•马托利),Gannett(甘尼特,美国最大的报业连锁集团)新任CEO,财富500强公司的17位女性CEO之一,她亲口说:“我是一个异类”。另外一位是Ginni Rometty(吉尼•罗曼提),她在2011年成为IBM的掌门人,而这之前她已经在IBM工作了30年。与Ginni Rometty一样,60岁的Martore的职业生涯基本上都奉献给了一家公司。她1985年就加入了甘尼特,加入时只是一名财务助理,在这里,她发挥着自己的聪明才智,在经济和名望上也收获颇丰。

因此,当知道她是一个保守派时,不免让人吃惊;尤其是当这一点成为她的成功秘诀时,更为震惊了。当Sheryl Sandberg(雪莉•桑德伯格,Facebook首席运营官)和她的拥护者们鼓励女性也“坐在会议桌旁”,参与“举手表决”时,Martore,这个职场女性的异类,直言不讳地建议女性还是保持淑女风范,通过埋头苦干一步步晋升。以下是Martore和我们一起分享她成为女性职场领袖的8个成功秘诀:



















Grant Gracia Martore, the new CEO of Gannett, this: “I’m an anomaly.” For starters, she’s one of just 17 women with a CEO title at the top 500 companies. And like Ginni Rometty, who spent 30 years at IBM before being named chief in 2011, Martore, 60, built her career making deals and decisions, revenues and a reputation largely at one organization. She started at Gannett in 1985 as assistant treasurer.

So it’s a something of a shocker to find she leans old-school, particularly when it comes to her recipe for success. While Sheryl Sandberg and her acolytes are pushing women to “sit at the table” and “raise your hand,” Martore, the anomaly, is a straight-talking advocate of the Nice Girl virtues of moving up the ladder by putting your head down and doing your job. And there’s more: Here, the eight steps to Martore’s secret sauce for women to get on the road to the C-Suite:

Focus On The Job At Hand

I believe in putting my head down and focusing on the job I had. I found that if I did the very best job I could–and didn’t worry about what my next four moves were going to be–that there were people in the organization who would take notice and add more responsibility. Each time I got to the point of, ‘OK, now I know this area,’ boom!, a new challenge would miraculously come along, a new responsibility and a new opportunity.

Sign On To A True Meritocracy

It doesn’t matter what your pedigree is, who your family is or what degrees you have. What really matters is how you perform your job and how you produce results. Whoever could do the best job, that’s who the focus is on–and it definitely doesn’t matter if I am a woman or a man. That kind of opportunity allowed me to be unfettered in my ability to take on responsibility, rise in the organization and not to be worried about things like ‘Gee, women can’t do this in this organization’ or ‘Ugh, now I have to crash through this barrier.’

Look At The Org Chart

Banking, where I started, wasn’t a particularly diverse environment. It was still the time of ‘The first woman to do this’ and ‘The first woman to do that.’ Back when I was looking for my next step and was researching Gannett, I was interested in who was leading the various businesses within the organization: Are there a lot of women and minorities in important, operational roles, senior management and the board of directors?

It has to be a top-down mentality or it won’t work. Not just because it’s the right thing to do but because it is good business. Companies understand now that great talent comes from a myriad of places, and to not look at 51% of the population means that you are excluding some incredibly talented people.

Grow A Thick Skin

If you’re going to succeed, then you just have to be thick-skinned. It’s something I developed early in my career and it just goes with the territory.

Say Goodbye To Your Comfort Zone

In 1995 I was asked to take on investor relations responsibilities. My role up  to the point had always been a very internal one, and being in investor relations you have to be very externally oriented. You have to worry that if you do something it could have an impact on the stock price. Everybody knows what you’ve done. It really required me to stretch beyond my comfort zone and I had the opportunity to learn the company in a new way. That gave me some of the skills necessary to become the CFO and ultimately president and CEO.

Operate In Operations

Women need to be in key operational roles where they run businesses in the organization. Sometimes when organizations focus on leadership diversity, they’re mostly in areas like HR or non-operating line functions. Women tend not to come up in the finance or operations side of the business, which is typically where CEOs come from.

I’m not suggesting, however, that women shouldn’t go into HR; HR is one of the most important roles right now. Any company that understands how they’re going to need to transform their company or move into the future understands the incredible importance of talent.

Marry A Great Guy

I have two 2 kids, 28 and 23. I think I’ve been a very dedicated mother to those children but I also have an incredibly supportive spouse who has a great career of his own as CEO of a small company. We have always shared responsibility of our children. There have been times I’ve had to be more focused on work issues and he has stepped up–and vice-versa.

Know Your Business

I am a total news junkie. I started reading The Boston Globe every day at age 5. I love Vanity Fair and, of course, FORBES because I’m a business person and I can’t go without reading it.

关键字: 女性CEO的成功秘诀 格雷西亚•马托利 甘尼特