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Laurence翻译,Laurence发布英文 ; 2012-04-17 13:24 阅读次 
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When Steve Jobs died last October, most commentators portrayed him as a demanding, forceful, single-minded micromanager who knew what he wanted and got it. Then when Jobs’ widow, Laurene, appeared in the gallery at the State of the Union Address last month, it was hard not to be reminded of how weak Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, his most likely challenger for the White House, seem by comparison. Even their allies complain that these men are too pliant, too prone to pandering.

Why, ask the managers I meet in my travels, can’t we have more bosses like visionary, dictatorial Steve Jobs? A strong boss like that could straighten out General Motors, they say. Or the postal system. Or the White House.

Wrong question. A truly single-minded titan can’t be effective at the helm of a big organization. The most talented executives I’ve studied, met and taught resemble Romney or Obama more than they do Jobs. “Weak” bosses—pliant, collaborative, humble, nice, deferential—are taking over the world. Why? They get more done.

It turns out that no boss, whether weak or strong, collaborative or not, really has the absolute power we expect him or her to have over the organization and its destiny. Especially for large and complex outfits—such as ExxonMobil, General Motors or the U.S. government itself—there simply is no such thing as an all-powerful “strong” leader who muscles his or her way to success over a long career.

If success is your goal, you’ll fare far better if you hire fabulous lieutenants, listen to them and offer your best advice, then empower them to make meaningful decisions for the good of their divisions and their teams.

The chief executive title has conveyed less heft in recent years, due in part to the democratization of big business. Since 2003, companies listed on the NYSE and NASDAQ have been barred from stacking their boards with insiders. Institutional shareholders have been more inclined to activism. Middle managers are more likely to hold an MBA and to expect their input on key decisions to count for something.

In most cases, middle managers also have specialized skills and are closer to the problem (where they can use their insights to attack the root causes) than is the chief executive. Add to that the increased scrutiny, frequent performance assessments, and vocal criticism that’s expected in the modern business world. Simply said, bosses don’t have the luxury of either insulating themselves or ignoring their critics these days.

Jim Skinner is one of those “weak” bosses. Don’t know him? You’re not alone. His Wikipedia entry is just four paragraphs long, even though he’s boss to 1.7 million people around the globe. (That’s 500 times as many as Facebook employs.) Skinner is chief executive of McDonald’s.

Skinner is no Ray Kroc. He hasn’t significantly expanded the McDonald’s store count or reinvented its menu. A former Navy man who didn’t graduate from college, Skinner was an operations specialist who toiled anonymously for decades in middle management. Deferential and shy, he was apparently regarded by his colleagues late in his career as a sensible, convenient lieutenant.

Then in 2004, two successive McDonald’s chiefs were tragically struck by cancer within six months of each other, and Skinner was hurriedly installed at the helm. Observers assumed—Skinner was 60 at the time—that he would be a short-term caretaker chief.

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