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becks翻译,becks发布英文 ; 2012-07-27 16:36 阅读次 
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用现有的罗斯板球场馆(Lord’s cricket ground)作射箭场地,温布尔顿(Wimbledon)作网球赛场等,按理说已经能够为伦敦奥运节省不少开销了。不过,这也使整个赛事变得错综复杂且分散混乱。为了方便广大观众观看奥运,政府专门开通了奥运专线车,这种人性化的公共交通工具,确实很方便。此外,还有一种长达30英里的专用车道,被称作“吉尔道(Zil lanes)”,是专为参赛运动员、政府官员、赞助商及媒体记者所设的。不过,这项工程已经激起了部分的抗议及反对声。任何对伦敦交通构成不和谐因素的个人及团体都会很快被抓住。


这一切的发生都是因为——自1960年以来,每场奥运会都有预算。伦敦奥运会筹建局(The Olympic Delivery Authority)宣称官方已为奥运分配93亿英镑(约合144亿美元)资金,最初预算在2007年时几乎翻了两番。与其他届奥运相比,如果不是因为原有的基建设施,成本就更难以量化了。










用现有的罗斯板球场馆(Lord’s cricket ground)作射箭场地,温布尔顿(Wimbledon)作网球赛场等,按理说已经能够为伦敦奥运节省不少开销了。不过,这也使整个赛事变得错综复杂且分散混乱。为了方便广大观众观看奥运,政府专门开通了奥运专线车,这种人性化的公共交通工具,确实很方便。此外,还有一种长达30英里的专用车道,被称作“吉尔道(Zil lanes)”,是专为参赛运动员、政府官员、赞助商及媒体记者所设的。不过,这项工程已经激起了部分的抗议及反对声。任何对伦敦交通构成不和谐因素的个人及团体都会很快被抓住。


这一切的发生都是因为——自1960年以来,每场奥运会都有预算。伦敦奥运会筹建局(The Olympic Delivery Authority)宣称官方已为奥运分配93亿英镑(约合144亿美元)资金,最初预算在2007年时几乎翻了两番。与其他届奥运相比,如果不是因为原有的基建设施,成本就更难以量化了。





The city is trying to pull off a mightily ambitious games

WHEN London unexpectedly beat Paris in the competition to hold the 2012 Olympic games, crowds cheered, the stock market soared and politicians congratulated themselves. But Britain is a nation of self-deprecating cynics. Even on the day of the successful bid in 2005, some commentators were carping about the cost of the games and the likelihood of disruption and transport problems.

The recurring question is whether the games will come off. The answer is that, barring a non-humorous calamity, they will. The 1996 Atlanta games was a logistical and security nightmare, yet the city staged a showcase of extraordinary human endeavour. At each games someone runs faster, jumps higher or rows or cycles harder than anyone has ever done before. Once the athletes are on the field, the Olympics more-or-less runs itself. (Though North Korean footballers were greeted with the South’s flag in an early match.)

London has nevertheless set itself a more severe challenge than almost any other host. Sydney, which held the games in 2000, staged many events on one suburban site; its population was half of London’s now. In Beijing, four years ago, the government commanded its citizens to stop driving or firing up factories; it destroyed houses for highways and built the world’s largest airport terminal with no debate. Londoners have repeatedly been told to stay at home, but most will probably carry on regardless. Many sporting venues are in the heart of the city as well as dispersed around it: the stands that will seat beach volleyball spectators loom above the garden of the prime minister’s residence at 10 Downing Street.

Game on

Using existing arenas such as Lord’s cricket ground (for archery) and Wimbledon (for tennis) was supposed to reduce the bill for the London games. It also makes the project complicated and disruptive. An unprecedented share of games-goers will travel to events by public transport, a system already bulging with local passengers. So-called “Zil lanes”, 30 miles of roadway reserved for Olympic athletes, officials, sponsors and journalists, have provoked protests and the occasional delay. Any stumble in London’s “public-transport games” will quickly be seized upon.

The fact that transport remains such a big question hints at how much else has been achieved, and how smoothly. Seven years on from the bid, one of the largest post-war public works projects has been delivered. A shabby part of east London has been prettified: the site of the main Olympic Park was until recently rough scrubland containing piles of rotting fridges and a dirty river. The army and police have stepped in to fill a gap left by G4S, a contractor which failed to provide enough security staff. Potholes have been filled and transport links upgraded and extended. The capital is adorned with pink signs directing spectators to events, as well as giant union flags handily recycled from the queen’s Jubilee.

All this comes at a price—since 1960 every games has overshot its budget. The Olympic Delivery Authority boasts that it has brought the games in under its allotted £9.3 billion ($14.4 billion), yet it did so only because the original budget was nearly quadrupled in 2007. As with other Olympics, it is hard to quantify the opportunity cost of transport schemes that would not otherwise have been built, or a fancy velodrome that will struggle to recoup its original investment.

And what comes after is a running problem. Each host city promises a legacy; each is left with at least some large, empty, costly structures. The hope is that hosting the games will improve a city’s, and a country’s, image. Barcelona, which hosted the games in 1992, and Beijing used the Olympics to launch their own ambitions on the world stage. Since London is already the most visited city in Europe and a financial and business centre, its aims are different. And they have evolved.

London’s bid highlighted the inspirational bequest to a generation of British youngsters. The capital is filled with injunctions to “Be part of it” and “Inspire a generation”, although there are few signs that the nation is becoming fitter or more sporty, as had been hoped. Organisers also pledged to regenerate the poor East End of London with jobs and homes. The shopping is certainly better now, thanks to the arrival of a swanky new retail centre. But the redevelopment of the Olympic Park is unlikely to enrich the whole area. And the park’s future remains uncertain. Plans for a technology cluster rely on attracting small, young firms that are hard to corral; proposals for new housing are still under way. Transport may help east London more than anything else: Stratford is now even better connected.

Meanwhile the economy has become more worrisome. The Britain that was awarded the games was rich and confident. The current one is ailing and needy. As The Economist went to press, the prime minister was preparing to chivvy a conference of business folk to work harder at exporting beyond sickly Europe to faster-growing emerging markets. The Olympics has turned from a celebration of a global city to a marketing pitch from an economy desperate for growth. Ludicrously expensive, administratively Byzantine and freighted with expectations, it nevertheless promises to be a popular party.

关键字: 奥运经济 伦敦奥运 英国经济 世界经济