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Danny翻译,Danny发布英文 ; 2012-09-04 12:06 阅读次 
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理查德·霍恩是个电气工程师,也是一位3D印刷爱好者。他并不满意这种只能打印黑白颜色的限制,他甚至想要印刷出成百上千种颜色。因此,他开始了修改他的RepRap来动态生成新色调的工作。由于实在找不到比他自己更适合的名字,他为他的打印机黑客取名为“Rich Rap”。






理查德·霍恩是个电气工程师,也是一位3D印刷爱好者。他并不满意这种只能打印黑白颜色的限制,他甚至想要印刷出成百上千种颜色。因此,他开始了修改他的RepRap来动态生成新色调的工作。由于实在找不到比他自己更适合的名字,他为他的打印机黑客取名为“Rich Rap”。





When the MakerBot Replicator was introduced at CES earlier this year, its main selling point was the ability to print in two colors. While impressive, remember “two color” is just another way of saying “black and white.”

Richard Horne, an electrical engineer and 3-D printing enthusiast, wasn’t happy with that limitation. He wanted to print in color, hundreds of them, even. So, he got to work modifying his RepRap to dynamically generate new hues. Finding a no more fitting name than his own, he dubbed his printer hack the “Rich Rap.”

Here’s how it works: The RichRap has three extruder motors feeding into one nozzle, or hot end. Each motor spools plastic filament into the hot end where it is melted, then deposited on a build surface. An operator could load a RichRap with red, yellow, and blue plastics and generate green parts by mixing the yellow and blue, or purple by mixing red and blue.

Multi-color printing makes standard parts, like brackets, canvases for expression.

Fair warning: Parts made on the RichRap look more like tie-dye than ink-jet printouts. Colors don’t really mix, they blend in a fashion Horne calls the “Toothpaste effect” where colors swirl and blend at a distance. Also, the machine has all of the known limitations of fused filament fabrication, like ridged surfaces and relatively low resolution.

With a professional color 3-D printer, like those made by ZCorp, designers have the ability to specify color down to a pixel level. A design could have a green “pixel” right next to a red “pixel.” With the RichRap, color effects are more gradual and organic, as the melted plastic takes time to transition.

While the RichRap may seem like a simple mod on the surface, it’s more evidence of how open source 3-D printing is enabling desktop users to advance the technology in interesting ways. “Open source 3-D printers and software tools are developing very quickly,” Horne says. “It’s a small industry at the moment, but it will be a massive market not long from now.”

关键字: 科技行业 3D打印机 科学设计